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The Moon is Waning - What better time to give up smoking?

The waning of the moon is the perfect time to banish unhealthy habits, relationships and attitudes from our lives. It is always good at this time to reflect on your life and take steps to eliminate anything that impedes your well-being and growth. While some witches perform banishing spells during the full moon, when its power and energy are at their height, and then allow the waning moon to give effect to the spells, I find that I do not wish to dwell on negative emotions or habits during the full moon and so wait until the moon is waning to perform such magic.

During this waning moon I have decided to get rid of my worst and most self-destructive habit – smoking. Smoking is a habit I have had on and off since my teens. I have successfully quit on numerous occasions only to be lured back to cigarettes when I have felt overwhelmed or stressed. Well enough is enough! It is time for me to steel my resolve, cast a spell and stamp out this vile habit for once and for all.

I have wished to give up smoking for many moons now and finally my willpower is at one with my spirit. Now is the time for action. I could rely on willpower alone, or perhaps on some pharmaceutical aid or other, but a simple banishment spell will work wonders especially when combined with the energies of the fading moon.

The best spell for me to use in this instance is a simple banishment spell. If, on the other hand, I use a spell that has too many procedures or uses tools and ingredients that are difficult to gather, then I will be in danger of putting off performing the spell until another time. Smokers will try to find any excuse to put off quitting and so it is best to use a simple and swift spell once you have decided to quit.

Candles are powerful magical tools. We all know the simple joy of making a wish when we blow out birthday candles. The fact that we still universally observe this ritual is a testament to the power of candle magic. And so, although there are many spells I can choose from to help me quit smoking I have decided that a Banishment Spell using Candle Magic is the one mostly likely to work for me now that I’ve made the decision to quit.

In Traditional Witchcraft the props are not as important as the intention when casting a spell. In times gone by witches would not have had access to candles in various colours, or brightly coloured gemstones. They would have used whatever was easily accessible to them. With this in mind, it is always possible to cast a spell using a plain white candle. Coloured candles only serve to focus our energy and attention on the goal we wish to achieve – it is easier to focus on healing, for example, when using a blue candle rather than black. However, visualizing a blue glow or aura glowing from a white candle can also help a witch to focus on healing. That said, it so happens that I have black beeswax candles and so I will use one of those. I will also use a white candle as these reinforce thoughts of purity, new beginnings and positivity. I will delve deeper into colours and their magical associations in another post, however since black candles are sometimes viewed with suspicion I’ll explain why I’m going to use one in this instance.

Black Candles

People often associate black candles with dark or black magic and there are many witches who use them rarely or not at all. However, black candles are ideal for banishing spells and also binding spells of all kinds. Black absorbs that which we wish to rid ourselves of – be it negative energy, a bad habit, a person causing us distress, and so on. Now the reverse is also true of course. Black also absorbs positive energy. It is the ideal colour to use if you wish to cast spells with evil intent. In the same way that black is the colour that absorbs all others, black is the energy that absorbs all others. With practise and focus you will be able to control your intent when using a black candle so that you will only banish that which you seek to destroy. Again, as I explained above, it is not the actual black candle that is magical, it is the intent of the witch that creates the magic. The black colour of the candle simply helps to focus intent. It just so happens that black is a colour that focuses our minds on absorbing energy and destruction. The witch needs, therefore, to focus clearly on what it is she/he is seeking to destroy.

There are many other embellishments that can be used in this spell, some of which I will explain below. For myself, however, I wish to use a simple yet effective spell.

A Simple Banishment Spell to Quit Smoking

This spell can be used to banish bad habits of any kind.

In preparation for the casting of this spell I will need to spend some time reflecting on the reasons that I wish to give up smoking. I need to build a solid case for quitting so that when I cast the spell I have something concrete to focus all of my energies on.

This spell should to be performed on a Monday, the day of the Moon, for maximum effect.

Requirements: a black candle

a white candle

a pen and two pieces of paper

a cauldron, or any fireproof container

  • Light the black candle and spend a few moments reflecting on the purpose of the spell – in this case I reflect on my desire to quit smoking for good. I smoke a cigarette, all the while reaffirming my belief that it will be my last – I do this to link my wishes and desires with something tangible. There is something final in extinguishing that last cigarette.

  • I write of my desire to quit on a piece of paper. (It does not have to be parchment or a particular pen.)

  • I set fire to the paper with the flame from the black candle, all the while focusing on my desire to destroy my habit.

  • I allow the flame to burn in a fireproof container. While the flame is burning it is helpful to re-affirm your intention vocally and so I repeat the phrase: ‘With this paper in the flame, I destroy what is bane’. It is helpful if the phrase is rhyming and memorable so as not to interrupt the flow of events or break concentration.

  • I visualize the destruction of my habit for as long as I can.

  • Ensuring that the paper in the cauldron is fully destroyed, I light the white candle using the flame of the black. I then extinguish the black candle.

  • I then reflect on my wholeness and my health, newly released from the habit which was slowly destroying me. I meditate on this, using the white candle to help me focus on new beginnings. I do this for as long as I feel able.

  • When I can no longer concentrate and my energy is spent. I leave the spell casting with peace in my heart.

This spell can be reaffirmed each night of the waning moon, either in full, or by repeating the part that spoke most to your heart. As the moon decreases, smoking’s hold over you will also decrease. For this reason it is very helpful to repeat the spell at least three nights in a row. Trust that as the moon decreases, smoking’s hold on you will also be destroyed.


I mentioned above that some other embellishments can be used in this spell.

You could anoint your candles with an essential oil or oil blend suited to your intention. It is important that you personally believe the oil to be suited to your intention. I favour black pepper for matters that require serious physical and mental resolve, and so would use this oil in a quit smoking spell. It can be used alone or mixed with equal parts bergamot and grapefruit. As well as anointing the candle, it is helpful to sprinkle some on a tissue or anoint your skin. The scent will act as a deterrent to smoking. Also, if you wish to wear black pepper, it is best to mix it with other oils as the scent can be overpowering.

Amethysts have traditionally been used in spells that call for moderation, sobriety and to break addiction. For this reason, you could create an amulet out of any small purple stone to use in conjunction with this spell. You should charge the stone with your intention and then carry it with you. It will strengthen your resolve and help you to fight your addiction.

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